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CSV Marche ETS

Who we are

The Volunteer Support Center of Marche ETS (CSV Marche ETS) is a recognized third sector, second-level association (network of associations), composed of over 440 third sector entities. Since 1999, it has managed activities related to volunteer support at the regional level.

To ensure its presence in the territory, the association is divided into five provincial delegations (the provincial delegations of Pesaro, Ancona, Macerata, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno) which do not have legal or patrimonial autonomy.

With regional decree no. 85 of 24 May 2022, the CSV Marche ETS is registered under Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) in the section “other third sector entities”.

Our values and vision

CSV Marche ETS values  peace, legality, hospitality, solidarity and social justice. It is convinced that volunteering, as a tangible practice of responsible citizenship, is a valuable tool for overcoming the obstacles that prevent the full realization of engaged citizenship.

CSV Marche believes in a volunteering that:

  • puts people at the center of its actions;
  • provides a concrete response to situations of hardship, but at the same time, works to eradicate their causes;
  • contributes to the protection and enjoyment of common assets;
  • acts with a conscious political function by collaborating, within a subsidiary relationship with public institutions, who ultimately have the primary responsibility for responding to citizens’ rights.

CSV Marche ETS works for the development and qualified recognition of volunteering in the Marche region and for the promotion of a culture of solidarity. Through supporting and growing volunteering, we are making a contribution to social change.

Our mission

In accordance with the Third Sector Code (Legislative Decree 117/2017, art. 61-63), CSV Marche ETS association is accredited as a Volunteer Support Center (CSV). Thus, it is tasked with organizing, managing and providing technical, training, and information support services in order to promote and strengthen the presence and role of volunteers in third sector entities, without distinction between associated and non-associated entities, and with particular attention to volunteer organizations.

It carries out activities related to the following types of services: promotion, orientation and territorial animation, training, consultancy, qualified assistance and accompaniment, information and communication, research and documentation, and technical-logistical support.

CSV Marche ETS therefore provides instrumental services aimed at third sector entities and volunteers. Additionally, as per the statute, it carries out other activities of general interest, operating in the Marche region through partnerships, co-design paths and creation of networks. We act as an agent for the development of volunteering in the territory.

In general, the services are provided free of charge, but for details regarding access conditions and beneficiaries of each activity, please refer to the Service Charter.

Intended beneficiaries and core users 

All of our services, (aligned with art. 63 of the Third Sector Code), are aimed at ETS themselves, volunteers, or aspiring volunteers within third sector entities. Some activities are also intended or designed for citizens, students, schools, local authorities, public administrations, other non-profit organizations, universities, businesses, and other stakeholders.

How we support ourselves

The Third Sector Code ensures stable funding of CSVs through the National Single Fund (FUN), financed by the annual contributions of the banking foundations (in compliance with Legislative Decree 153/1999), and administered by the National Control Body (ONC) of CSVs. The ONC then exercises the functions of direction and control of CSVs. It also does so through its territorial offices, the Territorial Control Bodies (OTC), which verify the legitimacy and accuracy of CSVs’ activities while also ensuring organizational administrative and accounting adequacy in line with  FUN resources.

The CSVs are partly funded by the Italian government, through a tax credit granted to foundations themselves. CSV Marche ETS also receives revenues through contributions from private individuals on projects, contributions and contracts with public bodies and from fees linked to services provided to third parties.


CSV Marche ETS partners with CSVnet,the national association of Volunteer Service Centers (CSV), the Third Sector Forum of the Marche Region, and the European Volunteer Centre (EVC).

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CSV Marche ETS - Centro Servizi per il Volontariato delle Marche ETS - Via Della Montagnola 69/a - 60127 Ancona
C.F. 93067520424 - Partita IVA 02596800421 - iscrizione al RUNTS decreto n. 85 del 24/05/2022 | Privacy Policy