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PINQUA - Pesaro Hub

PINQUA – Pesaro Hub

Urban regeneration project of Pesaro’s historic city centre (northern area) funded by the National Innovative Quality of Living Programme (PINQuA), promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in the name of well-being, social regeneration and collective growth.

To achieve these goals, three regional cooperatives – Labirinto Cooperativa Sociale, COOSS Marche, Marche Servizi – alongside CSV Marche, were chosen to work together with the municipal administration on the Welfare-Smart City services initiative. This intervention aims to improve the quality of living and strengthen the urban ecosystem of relationships, offering innovative and sustainable services for the community.

At the heart of the initiative is the physical and digital platform called “Pesaro Hub” which aims to be a socio-cultural and educational reference point, integrated into the life of the city. This sharing space will host various activities and services to support the individual and collective growth of young people, families and the elderly in order to promote social and cultural inclusion.

Servizi Welfare – Smart City, un progetto per migliorare il benessere dei singoli cittadini e della comunità

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