The bodies that guide and govern the activity of CSV Marche ETS are the Members’ Assembly, the Board of Directors, the President, the Board of Guarantors and the Supervisory Body. The members of CSV Marche ETS are over 440 third sector associations from the Marche Region.

The President
Since 2015, the association has been chaired by Simone Giovanni Bucchi. Born in 1973 in Pesaro, Bucchi was previously regional Vice President and President of the provincial delegation of Pesaro and Urbino. He comes from the Pesaro volunteer association Reciproca, committed to social solidarity and protection of rights. Bucchi was also part of the Insieme association which operates in the field of disability. He has over twenty years of experience as a social worker. He is responsible for communications for the social cooperative Labirinto Onlus and Director of the “Noi Domani” Foundation, which deals with disabilities, with particular reference to “After Us” initiatives and services. Since June 2021, he has also been national Vice President of CSVnet, the national association of CSV.
Board of Directors
The recent CSV Marche ETS Members’ Assembly for the renewal of the corporate bodies (7 December 2022) elected the following members to the Board of Directors:
Simone Giovanni Bucchi President (Reciproca Odv – Pu), Paolo Gobbi Deputy Vice President (Avis Macerata Odv), Micaela Gasparrini Vice President (I girasoli Odv – Ascoli Piceno), Mario Argentati Treasurer (Avis Jesi Odv – Ancona), Luigi Biagetti (Acli Marche Aps), Sonia Brunetti (Anpas PA Montemarciano Odv – Ancona), Michele Cantarini (Arci Marche Aps), Marco Ciarulli (Legambiente il Ragusello Odv – Pesaro Urbino), Anna Maria Fermani (Psiche 2000 Odv – Fermo), Sergio Gradara (Auser provinciale Ancona Odv), Massimo Lauri (Avis Montefiore dell’Aso Odv – Ascoli Piceno), Antonio Marcucci (Auser Macerata Odv), Maria Mencarini (Uici – Pesaro Urbino Aps Section), Simona Meschini (Tarkovskij Cultural Center Odv – Macerata), Tomas Nobili (Il Mantello Odv – Pesaro Urbino), Daniele Tassi (Csi Regional Committee Aps).
The members’ meeting on July 19th, 2024 elected Lauri Maria (Anffas Grottammare Foundation – Ascoli Piceno), in order to replace the resigning councilor Gasparrini Micaela (I girasoli Odv – Ascoli Piceno).
Board of Guarantors
Members:Sgariglia Simonetta (Kairos) President, Ciabocchi Massimo (Auser prov. Pesaro Urbino), De Mattia Giorgio (Asbi Marche)
Supervisory Body
Members: Baldini Michele, Gentili Giorgio, Sargo Fabio
Local Delegations
To ensure its presence in the territory, the CSV Marche ETS association is divided into five territorial delegations at provincial level, which do not have legal and patrimonial autonomy.
Tomas Nobili (Il mantello Odv) is the President of CSV Provincial Delegation of Pesaro Urbino (update to Nov. 2022)
Francesco Varagona (Iscos Marche Odv) is the President of CSV Provincial Delegation of Ancona (update to Dec. 2022)
Paolo Gobbi (Avis Macerata Odv) is the President of CSV Provincial Delegation of Macerata (update to Dec. 2022)
Massimo Lauri (Avis Montefiore dell’Aso Odv) is the President of CSV Provincial Delegation of Ascoli Piceno (update to Nov. 2022)
Laura Stopponi (L’abbraccio Odv) is the President of CSV Provincial Delegation of Fermo (update to Jan. 2023)