Completed projects
Over the years, CSV Marche has participated both as lead applicant and partner in several regional, national and international projects submitted through specific calls for proposals relating to different thematic areas and objectives such as:
- Active and healthy ageing by improving the quality of life and well-being of older people (projects: Net Age, Marche Active Net, Marche Active Net al tempo del sisma, Famiglia al centro);
- A more equitable, accessible and inclusive environment for people with fewer opportunities and people with disabilities (projects: Up and Go, Up-tech, Resiliamoci);
- Youth work placement (projects: Go to Goal, Volunteering@Work, Get your way, YO – Your opportunity);
- Youth participation and active citizenship (projects: Legalità be connected, Legami Legali, Culturiamo, Ci Sto affare fatica);
- Migration issues (projects: Voci di confine, Snapshots from the border, Volutoring, Cittadini si diventa);
- European mobility projects (projects: Non-profit EU skills, Our step for a better future, APRO – Apprendere per Progettare);
- New technologies for youth volunteers (projects: ENTRINNO, Empowering You, EDU_TOUCH, DYVO).