Erasmus+ Accreditation in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Mobility projects in the field of Vocational Education and Training destined for both staff and students of the Technical and Professional Institutes partners of the mobility consortium coordinated by CSV Marche and staff of the Third Sector organisations which are members of CSV Marche.
Erasmus accreditation is a tool for education and training organisations in adult education, vocational education and training (VET), and school education that want to open up to cross-border exchange and cooperation. Award of the Erasmus accreditation confirms that the applicant has set up an Erasmus Plan to implement high quality mobility activities as part of a wider effort to develop their organisation. Erasmus accreditation gives organisations simplified access to Key Action 1 funding every year to implement their planned mobility activities and achieve the Erasmus Plan objectives.
The objective of the Erasmus+ Action in all three fields is tostrengthen the European dimension of teaching and learning by:
- promoting values of inclusion and diversity, tolerance, and democratic participation
- promoting knowledge about shared European heritage and diversity
- supporting development of professional networks across Europe
The specific objectives of the Erasmus+ Accreditation in the field of VET are:
- increasing the quality of initial and continuing vocational education and training (IVET and CVET);
- strengthening key competences and transversal skills, in particular, language learning and digital skills;
- supporting the development of job specific skills needed in the current and future labour market;
- sharing best practices and promoting the use of new and innovative pedagogical methods and technologies, and supporting the professional development of teachers, trainers, mentors and other staff in VET;
- fostering the quality, transparency and recognition of learning outcomes of mobility periods abroad, especially by using European tools and instruments for this purpose.
The beneficiaries of the mobilities are:
- learners, including learners with special needs, in vocational education and training;
- teaching and non-teaching staff of vocational education and training institutes, included staff who work with learners with special needs;
- CSV Marche staff and member organisations.

Alla scoperta del sistema formativo irlandese, con Erasmus + Vet

Mobilità Staff del Programma Erasmus+ 2021-2027, pubblicato il nuovo bando

A Granada con Erasmus +, continuano gli scambi europei

Pubblicato il nuovo Bando di Mobilità Staff del Programma Erasmus+ 2021-2027

Quarto flusso di mobilità di Erasmus+ Vet, l’esperienza all’estero continua

Formazione e istruzione all’estero, anche in estate c’è il progetto di mobilità Erasmus + Vet

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